Do You believe in Affirmations?  I created these 20 Success Affirmations to keep you positive for the Blog Challenge.

I use affirmations daily but affirmations without ACTION is akin to you filling your car with gas, getting behind the wheel, and sitting there waiting for it to take off. When you’re taking action, an affirmation is  an additional tool  to help you achieve your results.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are powerful statements made by you, for you. They can be negative or positive. They can be done with awareness or subconsciously. Whether you believe in affirmations or not,  you use them every day. Over the years from working with my clients,  I’ve discovered, until there’s awareness, most self-talk is negative.

For example, in relationship to the Blog Challenge, you may find yourself saying:

I’m never going to finish the challenge.

What did I get myself into?

It’s not going to increase the traffic to my blog.

It’s not going to benefit my blog.

I’m not a good writer.

No one cares what I have to say.

How can I get out of doing this challenge?

You may make these statements in jest, however, your mind accept them  as the truth.

Your mind is one of the most powerful tools you have for your success and what you feed it becomes your reality. ~ Adalia

Depending on how suggestible you are to yourself, your history will tell you, your mind will CREATE a reason for you not to complete the challenge. It could take on the appearance of something that is out of your control.

Don’t let the disguise fool you. Stay focused on your goal.

Positive Affirmations

Change your thoughts and you’ll change your life, your community, and the world ~ Adalia

You can counter your negative affirmations by consciously making positive ones. With repetition, the positive thoughts will become more powerful on a subconscious level. This is your goal, when what you want is embedded in your subconscious mind, you’ll get what you’re focusing on.

Here are 20 affirmations that will help you complete the challenge.  It’s important for you to acknowledge your negative thoughts and re-focus on the positive affirmations.

The formula:

Think it + say it + write it down + take ACTION + believe = YOUR RESULTS

I enjoy creating content for my audience.

The world needs my information.

I’m at one with completing the challenge.

Everything is in alignment for me to complete this challenge.

I allow myself to finish the challenge.

I’m grateful for the limitless resources.

I embrace being an example for making what’s possible, possible.

I appreciate all those who have contributed to this event.

I’m empowered by my decision to challenge myself.

It’s not about me, it’s about the people I want to serve.

I will support others on this journey.

I’m happy I made this decision.

I’m thankful for this amazing opportunity.

I compare myself to no one.

Each post brings me closer to my goal.

Each day I awaken filled with joy and intention.

I’m passionate and purposeful.

I’m a change agent.

I’m helping others to make their dreams real.

I know and accept that I’ll complete this challenge.

These are my words – change them to words that inspire you.

image credit: jscreationzs of Free Digial Photos

To your success with the blog challenge, it’s done, yes!

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