30 Days of Confidence Boosting Tips: Day 7 Esteem Yourself
Confidence: belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities
Boost: to increase, to raise
Today is the perfect day to boost your confidence by esteeming yourself.
Esteem: to regard highly or favorably; regard with respect or admiration
A few of my female friends find it easy to esteem others and difficult to admire themselves. Is it easier for you to mentally downgrade yourself with an avalanche of negative self talk than to build yourself up with favorable self talk?
Why is it important to esteem yourself?
It doesn’t matter how successful you are at masking your negative self talk, eventually, they will come through and people will see, hear, feel, and taste the real you. When you esteem yourself the energy you radiate will tell the world that you value yourself. More often than not, they will value you too.
The respect and admiration you have for your self impacts your confidence in powerful ways.
How to esteem your self
Numerous articles have been written about female archetypes, archetype or not, YOUR essence is unique. You have to love yourself before anyone will love you … a cliché but it’s true.
Your thoughts create your reality.
Acknowledge your negative self talk. Next, conjure up thoughts that express admiration, respect and love for your self. With practice theses positive thoughts will be the dominant influence.
You’re going to fall in love with your essence.
Practice makes perfect
- Each day write something that you love about yourself
- Pat yourself on the back
- Celebrate your successes (big or small)
- Stand up and be seen
- Speak up and be heard
- Embrace your perceived flaws
- Love yourself unconditionally
Esteem yourself regularly and your confidence will be unshakable.
Become unstoppable with these confidence boosting tips.
4. Smile
7. Esteem yourself
Other resource
Image: Wikimedia Commons
What do you think of this confidence boosting tip #7 “esteem yourself?” Your Re-tweets and Facebook mentions will make me smile.
Would you like to build your confidence? Please contact me about my confidence building coaching program. You’ll be unstoppable!
To the confident you!