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One of my favorite mantras (I have many favorites) I shared with my children, when they were growing up, was about boredom. They would say to me “mom, I’m bored.” I told them that boredom was a choice – a state of mind that could be changed in a nanosecond. I would encourage them to read, grab a coloring book, or go outside to play, investigate and explore.

I wanted my children to tap into their innate ability to be curious.

Curious people are never bored, and research has shown that curious people are happier, more successful and live longer lives. Research has also show that there is a distinction between entrepreneurial curiosity and other types of curiosity. Read about it here.

Entrepreneurial curiosity helps entrepreneurs to start and grow thriving businesses.That’s why it’s important for entrepreneurs, who want to turn their dreams into a business ventures,  to cultivate and keep their curiosity alive.

Here are 36 positive affirmations to stimulate  your entrepreneurial curiosity.

1. Curiosity fills my life with adventure.

2. Curiosity motivates me to explore new markets and it encourages me to find solutions.

3. I investigate and observe society and the environment to create added value.

4. Curiosity sparks my interest to explore the world at large.

5. I nurture my curious mind by asking questions and exploring the unfamiliar.

6. I strengthen my resolve to be a successful entrepreneur with abundant curiosity.

7. I am receptive to new marketing ideas and strategies.

8. Curiosity fuels my desire to learn, unlearn and relearn.

9. I am curiosity personified.

10. The process of nurturing and developing my curiosity keeps me happy.

11. Curiosity allows me to enjoy the learning process.

12. I am naturally curious.

13. My curiosity ignites my creativity, builds my self-confidence, and inspires me to be courageous.

36 Affirmations to Stimulate Entrepreneurial Curiosity

14. I look beyond what is being presented to me.

15. I am open to learning from the experiences of others.

16. Curiosity keeps my mind open for new ideas and innovations.

17. I navigate the terrains of entrepreneurship with curiosity as my guide.

18. My curiosity stimulates my thinking for great ideas and innovations.

19. I am willing to examine different points of view.

20. The lens of curiosity reveals the possibilities and excitement of new worlds.

21. Curiosity injects my imagination with endless possibilities.

22. I unlock the doors to opportunities with the key of curiosity.

23. My curiosity is one of my most powerful entrepreneurial assets.

36 Affirmations to Stimulate Entrepreneurial Curiosity

24. Cultivating my curiosity keeps my mind vibrant.

25. I pursue my entrepreneurial dreams with an inquisitive mind.

26. Uncertainties and unknown outcomes are welcomed because I am curious.

27. The more I learn about myself, the world and other people, the better equipped I will be to live the life of my dreams.

28. I give myself permission to dream, explore and discover.

29. Curiosity expands my entrepreneurial mindset.

30. My confidence and curiosity are always turned on.

31. My curiosity with my family, friends and business associates, deepens my understanding of them and our relationship.

32. I leave my bubble to explore new frontiers.

33. I have an insatiable hunger for knowledge, answers and solutions.

34. I accept that I always have more to learn.

35. I am an explorer.

36. I explore mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

That’s all she wrote!

It’s a wrap

Stay curious my entrepreneurial friend! Your curiosity will motivate you to learn all that is necessary for your success. It will inspire you to remain open to new experiences to grow your business, and all the challenges that are part of the entrepreneurial landscape will keep your curiosity alive.

Your turn

Share your thoughts about entrepreneurial curiosity.

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