reach-for-the-stars AllPosters

AnneTavoletti at Allposters

So, you’ve hit a wall in pursuit of your goal(s). You compare yourself to those who are successful and conclude you’ll never achieve their level of success.

You’re pulled into that dark place of deep despair –  unpaid bills, low bank balance, not enough customers/clients, unhappy relationships – from your murky point of view, there’s only one option, throw in the towel.

Wait! Before you do that try shifting your thinking. Focus on your breathing. Deep cleansing breaths. Now remember a time when you did something amazing. Yes, you did.

While you shift your thinking – food for thought – those who have massive success, more often than not, had massive failures.

I’m going to share with you five successful, household names who had failures. We hear a lot about their successes but very little about their failures. Until my research I wasn’t aware of them either.

For your inspiration and motivation – 5 reasons why you shouldn’t give up on your goals.

Abraham Lincoln –

Yes, the 16th president of the United States who led the country through its greatest constitutional, military, and moral crisis – the American Civil War – preserving the Union while ending slavery and promoting economic and financial modernization  (wikipedia )  – had remarkable successes as well as  failures before he became president of the United States.

Read more here

Don’t forget past accomplishment because your present goals are too elusive to achieve. Use you past success as fuel to propel you forward. ~Adalia

Oprah Winfrey

You probably won’t believe this one – the Illustrious Oprah Winfrey was fired from one of her early jobs as a television reporter because she was “unfit for TV.”

Just imagine for a moment if Oprah had accepted this persons’ opinion as her truth.

The greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground.  ~Author Unknown

J.K. Rowling

Was a single  divorced mom on welfare before her success with the Harry Potter series. And what a success, she’s officially a billionaire. Wow! Perfect example of all that is possible for YOU.

Don’t focus on your unwanted present day situation. You may overlook an opportunity for your breakthrough that’s right under your nose. ~ Adalia

Tim Ferris

This is why you should not allow rejection or failure to keep you from pursuing your dreams. Tim Ferris, author of the 4-Hour Workweek, had 26 publishing rejections.

Always remember that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other thing. – Abraham Lincoln

It’s a wrap

It can be challenging to stay the course when you  keep falling down. Lack of motivation, procrastination, not feeling worthy, negative self-talk, limiting beliefs and failures influence many to give up. Don’t give up on YOUR goals. Be inspired to keep moving forward.

Your turn

When you feel like giving up on your goals, who or what inspires you to keep moving forward?

If you’re challenged setting and achieving goals – you’ll benefit from my FREE strategy session. Contact me today. You’ll be glad you did.

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