image: David Castillo Dominici

I came across this post on CNN and even though it’s old news, it is still relevant and inspirational news – it’s Fortune’s  50 Most Powerful Women in Business 2011.  It’s their annual ranking of America’s leading business women. I am always open to receive those signs that say to us: Yes you can!

The women are from diverse backgrounds. With success and power comes controversy and these women are no exception.  My intention is not to focus on the controversies but to focus on what’s possible for the women of today.

Bookmark this page and when you feel overwhelmed, fearful or any of those keeping you stuck feelings, read about one or more of these 50 confident business women for inspiration to keep moving forward.

Enjoy and be inspired!!!

You can read their individual stories by clicking on the name.

  1. Irene Rosenfeld
  2. Indra Nooyi
  3. Patricia Woertz
  4. Ellen Kullman
  5. Angela Braly
  6. Andrea Jung
  7. Ginni Rometty
  8. Ursula Burns
  9. Meg Whitman
  10. Sherilyn McCoy

See the top 50

Your turn

Do you think it’s possible for a woman to have this level of success in her business/career and with her personal life at the same time? Do you admire any of these women?

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