image by: jscreationzs

I’m 4 posts behind for the Ultimate Blog Challenge – For my next 5 posts, I’m going to use the Top 5 Reasons People Join the Ultimate Blog Challenge,  as topics for my content.

They are:

#5 – Set an example for their clients!

#4 – Create a daily habit!

#3 – Reading other peoples posts!

#2 – Make connections (Interact) with other amazing people!


 I’m going to start with #5

 Set an example for my clients:

I am a firm believer that what we set our minds too, we can achieve. The formula I share with my clients: think it – do it- get it done

There are a couple of my life experiences that I share with my clients to let them know that everything is possible, if you believe and take action.

These are the same anchors that motivate me to take the bull by the horns to achieve any goal.

Example # 1 of  setting an example for my clients

When I was pregnant with my daughter, my husband, unceremoniously, put me on the side walk with my belongings. Our two boys were on the side walk with me. They were 2 and 5 years old.

My family was in another country and I didn’t have a friend to call. To make this really long story short, my children are all adults, great citizens of the world, living happy productive lives.

Of course, between then and now, there’s a life that was experienced, but that isn’t what this post is about.

By the way, being put on that side walk was a blessing in disguise.

Example #2 of setting an example for my clients

I have always been an avid walker. I look for reasons to walk not the other way around. One Saturday I walked 14 miles and It made me realize that I could do a marathon.  I challenged myself and in 2007 I walked 14 miles of the Los Angeles Marathon. It took me 5 hours.

I decided to challenged myself  even more and in 2009  I successfully walked the Los Angeles Marathon, in 8:45 hours.  I wrote about it in my first blog post  “Mind Over Matter.”

Example #3 of setting an example for my clients

 Completing the 2012 Ultimate Blog Challenge.  It’s done!!!

Jim Rohn said: The key to helping others is to help yourself first. More

Adalia says: Make what’s possible, possible and inspire your clients to do the same.

image credit: jscreationzs at Free Digital Photos

To the confident “setting an example for your clients” unstoppable you!

How are you an example to your clients? Please share.

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