Do not quit image quote

Hello entrepreneur, don’t throw in the towel

Throw in the towel  – Web definition, drop out: give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat;

Are you are a network marketer who’s  struggling to build your team and/or sell products?  Maybe you are a coach, who’s tired of chasing clients that you never catch. Maybe you are an affiliate marketer whose earnings are less than minimum wage. Maybe you are an amazing blogger but no one visits your site. Or, are you successful but find that you are still trading time for dollars?

Whatever your reasons for giving up, breathe in deeply, exhale slowly, relax and reassess your entrepreneurial dreams.

I have never given up on a goal because of challenges (I’ve given up when I determined, for one reason or another, it was not the right pursuit for me).  However, that almost changed a few days ago (almost doesn’t count).

I had a thought of turning my back  on internet marketing.

There are so many layers to internet marketing and it can be overwhelming, if you allow it, and I did.

Affiliate marketing
Content Marketing
E-mail marketing
Joint ventures
List Building
Membership sites
Search engine optimization
Social Media
Workshops and more

WHEW!! So many choices, it can be difficult to decide on the right strategies and platforms for marketing your business.

My thoughts of giving up were fleeting at best. The echo of Will Smith’s words “There is no reason to have a Plan B because it distracts from Plan A” – reminded me that I didn’t have a plan B. Giving up was not an option – internet marketing is very important for my present and long-term goals.

Here are 5 things that helped me  to rekindle my passion and refocus on my intention. I hope they’ll help you pause before “throwing in your towel.”

1. Reconnect to your intention

woman looking in binocularsWith all the challenges an entrepreneur has to face, one can forget the reason for being one. For me being an entrepreneur is the only choice, has been and always will be. I grabbed my vision board and spent some time looking over it.

I closed my eyes and visualized all of my desires being realized. I imagined my success. I pictured my success. I tasted my success. I allowed myself to experience fully my desires. I opened my eyes with the full realization that I had to keep believing in myself and my abilities.

2. Take a break

Sometimes, you have to take a step back to keep moving forward.  I took a Woman lying on stomach relaxingbreak – I stepped away from my computer and all that had to do with internet marketing. I pampered myself. I came back with a new perspective and I was able to identify some key areas that contributed to me being overwhelmed.

Take a break for you; nurture your mind, body and spirit.

3. Revisit your business plan

planYou don’t have a plan? You need one. It doesn’t have to be complicated; a one page business plan is a good place to start. I had to change the dates for a few of my projects, such as completing my website for Universal love Tees and my Confidence Building book. I also changed my income projections.


4. Less is more

Re-evaluate your marketing strategies. Are you doing and doing and not marketing pyramid imagegetting the results for your business. You could be  spreading yourself thin (that was one of my issues). Don’t  be distracted by all the new product launches (shiny object syndrome).

I’m guilty!

Focus your time and financial resources on 2 or 3 marketing strategies until you get results. Then you’ll have the confidence and the financial resources to do more. ( I seen an assistant in your near future)

5. Speak to your mentor, coach or friend.

Solution versus problem imageIt helps when you’re having feelings of despair to speak to someone who supports you and your dreams. My mentor (not an online marketer) and I had a candid conversation,  filled with inspiration, and practical tips. He helped me to re-align my goals and affirm my success. And he committed to holding me accountable.



His parting words to me “Adalia, stay the course, focus on your intention.”

Reach out to YOUR mentor, coach, or friend. Speak your truth, and be willing to listen even if it’s not what you want to hear. A coach and a mentor are there to support you, not lie to you, and so is  a good friend.

Be willing to share, listen, learn and grown.

It’s a wrap

There’s nothing wrong in letting go of a situation that no longer serves you. Do take away something positive from the experience and have no regrets. This is the mindset that will keep you moving forward with confidence and courage.

Your turn

What do you do when you feel like giving up?

Are thoughts of giving up on your dream haunting you? You’ll benefit from my FREE strategy session. Contact me today. You’ll be glad you did.

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