“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” ~ Conrad Hilton
I found my infographic for this week at Rob Polivka ‘s blog and it has to do with quitting.
Are you a quitter?
There’s is nothing wrong with quitting but you should be selective with the things you quit and know WHY you’re doing it.
Quitting is not giving up, it’s choosing to focus your attention on something more important. Quitting is not losing confidence, it’s realizing that there are more valuable ways you can spend your time. Quitting is not making excuses, it’s learning to be more productive, efficient and effective instead. Quitting is letting go of things (or people) that are sucking the life out of you so you can do more things that will bring you strength.”
― Osayi Osar-Emokpae,
If you give up because you lack confidence or other dis-empowering reasons – then, it’s in your best interest to change your mindset to begin reaping the benefits of finishing what you start.
“There’s only one thing that can guarantee our failure, and that’s if we quit.” ~ Unknown
If you’re habitual quitter, the five tips from – How to Quit being a Quitter Infographic – may be helpful to you.
Your Turn
Are you a habitual quitter? If so, what steps have you taken to over come this bad habit?
If you’re ready to be unstoppable with confidence – you’ll benefit from my FREE strategy session. Contact me today. You’ll be glad you did.
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