
Self-awareness, self-acceptance, and taking action is the formula for making powerful changes~ Adalia

Are you afraid of change, do you cower in the face of change, or do you run and hide? You can’t hide from change, it will break down steel doors, find you in the dark, out run you every time and remove your masks.

Changes are coming. They’re knocking on your door, let them in.

If your life is not a reflection of what you have envisioned – become self-aware. Take an honest look at what’s going on in your personal, professional and spiritual life, and make a change.

self-a·ware (slf-wâr) adj. ~ aware of oneself, including one’s traits, feelings, and behaviors.

Blinders help us to escape our situation and numb our feelings. Take off your blinders and allow the gift of self-awareness. Self-awareness makes it easy for you to look into the mirror of your life, it frees you. It takes you from the shadows into the light. However, you cannot remove those blinders until you first accept you are wearing them.

There are two other key ingredients needed to facilitate change: self-acceptance and taking action.

self-acceptance –  accepting who you are NOW in all areas of your life, without judgment, shame, guilt, regret, or blame.

action – process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.

Self-awareness, self-acceptance and taking action will put you in the driver’s seat for change.

How to remove your blinders

1. Give yourself permission to be honest with yourself.

2. Allow yourself to accept your truth in all areas of your life.

3. Don’t judge others or yourself.

4. Slam the door shut to regret, shame, guilt, and blame ( for yourself and others). This will free you from the negativity of the past.

5. Don’t ask why you did this or that, or why you’re here instead of there.

6. Ask instead, “how can I experience what I’ve envisioned?”

7. Follow your inner compass. Permit yourself  to take action to change the things YOU want to change.

8. Embrace, enjoy and be empowered by the changes you made.

9. If you can’t break through your resistance a coach or mentor can help you.

If you’re happy with all areas of your life, there’s no need to change. Keep in mind that nothing stays the same. Changes are coming. Don’t allow yourself to get in a rut. Don’t allow complacency to become your friend. Be present, and always perfecting your potential.

At the center of your being
you have the answer;
you know who you are
and you know what you want.
― Lao Tz

It’s a wrap

We spring clean our homes, we take our cars in for maintenance, but most of us do not take time to assess our lives. Put the formula for change in your toolkit for life and courageously make a change.

Your turn

Do you reject or embrace the changes you know would be good for you?

If you need to make a change but find yourself hiding behind one excuse after another, my free strategy session will help you welcome change. Click here to contact me. You’ll be glad you did.

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image by: wiangya @freedigitalphotos.net