There's Something to Be Grateful for Everyday

Saying thank you is more than good manners.  It is good spirituality.  ~Alfred Painter

There’s always something to be grateful for in life.

I’ve accepted this as truth because of my life experiences. This mindset is helpful for seeing possibilities. It’s also the mindset of those who are happy, no matter what’s going on in their lives.

A gracious mind keeps your vibration high. Those who vibrate at a high frequency are magnets for the positives they want in their lives. They find themselves in the right place, at the right time, engaged in the right activity, for their desires. And they’re ready to say yes when their desires show up. Those on the outside looking in call this luck.

I had to remind myself to be thankful.

I raised two asthmatic boys. They didn’t have occasional asthmatic episodes. This was a daily health challenge, but I was thankful it was asthma. Asthma was manageable and treatable. If my boys had an illness that wasn’t manageable or treatable, I would have  found a way to re-frame that experience to keep a gratitude mindset.

A couple of days ago, my higher self reminded me to be grateful, instead of being judgmental and dismissive. I was doing some research on Google when I inadvertently came upon this article – – my blog name showed up in the brief description on Google and it aroused my curiosity.

I visited the site and saw that my blog was # 19 on this list of top 20 confidence blogs of 2013. Instead of being thankful, I became dismissive and judgmental.

These were my fleeting thoughts:

  1. This list is not from an authority site such as – – who published the top 100 personal development blogs for 2013.
  2. I’m at the bottom of the list.
  3. I dismissed the list and the site as irrelevant.

“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” Wayne Dyer

My AHA moment

I always pay attention to my first thoughts when I open my eyes in the mornings. They are profound.  My first thought when I woke up a couple of days ago was “to practice what I preached.” I should give thanks and accept without judgment the gift of being listed as one of the top confidence blogs of 2013.

My AHA moment inspired me to write this post to show my gratitude. I’m also displaying the badge on my blog to say thank you to the person who took the time to put this list together.

Do this for me – please visit the site here and show your love by sharing it with Social Media.

It’s a wrap

Sometimes, we’re so focused on getting to the top of the mountain we forget to enjoy the scenery. Your desires may not show up exactly the way you envisioned. Maybe, it’s the wrong color, size, shape, location, or something else, but if you look closely you’ll find, more often than not, the important elements aren’t missing.

Dig deep – real deep! Reflect on the things you’ve  dismissed either because they didn’t fit your standards or you didn’t think you were good enough. When you find them begin today to show your gratitude. This shift in your thinking can have a positive impact on your life.

Your turn

Share your results from the above exercise, or your thoughts on the importance of living in gratitude.

Shameless request – If you enjoyed reading this post, fill out this form to receive my blog post updates by e-mail, AND/OR leave a comment below and share this with your family, friends and Social Media. – Thank you!:-)

Are you frustrated because you aren’t courageous enough to make important changes in your life?  You’ll benefit from my FREE strategy session. Contact me today. You’ll be glad you did.

Image courtesy of Stuart