Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
One of my favorite mantras ” I made a decision long ago to make happiness my best friend” was challenged by a friend of mine. She does not believe you can be happy “just because.”
We decided to make a list of questions about happiness and I am sharing some of them with you.
This is not my first post about happiness. I thought it was worth re-visiting.
- Can you be happy “just because?”
- Is happiness subjective?
- Do you need an external stimuli to be happy?
- Is happiness a choice?
- Is happiness contagious?
- Can you have a successful life without happiness?
- Do people really mean it when they say: I have never been happy?
- Can happiness be pursued?
- Can you be happy without external confirmation?
What is happiness anyway?
This video shows people on the street answering that question. Fascinating ideas, especially when someone carves his/her answer in stone.
Enjoy, and lets continue the conversation in the comment section.
If you find this interesting, please share with your friends. Re-tweets and Facebook mentions make me smile.
To your magnificence!
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Happiness is a satisfied in everything big or small..and being thankful in good or bad situation…
nice post!
Hello John, thanks for taking the time to respond to this post. Happiness is a word that is used everyday by most of us “are you happy?” is probably one of he most asked everyday questions. Most people pause, think, and then decide on a yes or no answer. Our experiences should not determine our happiness. It’s our internal thermostat and we can choose to activate it or not.