bubble2I was never one for sharing negative stories. My philosophy about negative experiences is that you should reframe them! Learn from them! And move on!

I avoided those who repeated the same negative stories for no other reason but to feel sorry for themselves, and an open invitation for others to join their ‘pity me club.’

The shift

I’ve since learned there’s  a difference between those who share stories to keep themselves stuck, and those who share their stories to liberate themselves and to empower others.

One of my clients received so much value from me sharing my story; she encouraged me to share it with others. She believed my story mattered. She believed my story could inspire and motivate others.

Your story can inspire and impact a life for years to come ~Adalia

Angela Schaefer believes YOUR story matters

Angela Schaefer is a dynamic speaker and the author of Your Story Matters. She shares why YOUR story matters in her powerful talk at TEDxUCIrvine.

A few highlights from her talk

Sharing your story can repair fractured relationships with family members and neighbors.

Stories build bonds, connections and communities.

You can share your story in many ways: art, images, videos, music or the medium that best reflects who you are.

Just be you and share a part of yourself.

The best time to share your story is when there’s conflict.

When we express curiosity in one another we can change the world. (One of my favorites)

Check out the video below and share your thoughts in the comment section.

If you have a problem starting video click link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fejqYjjf-BY&feature=share&list=UUkk5fl_0G1nbxNfMcILPTSw

Your turn

Share one of your stories with us?

If you have a story that’s keeping you from living the life you want to live, let’s talk. We’ll reframe your story for empowerment, inspiration and liberation.

Contact me today. You’ll be glad you did. FREE strategy session.

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